The Most Welcoming Cities for Immigrants to Live in the USA

There are many opportunities for newcomers to the United States, but some cities are more welcoming than others

Taking the lead are the midwestern regions of the U.S. According to a new report, Chicago is setting the standard for welcoming immigrants. Lori Lightfoot, Chicago Mayor, said, “This ranking reflects the passionate and dedicated work of countless public officials and community members across our city who have come together to stand up and fight for the rights of our immigrant and refugee communities, no matter the cost”. According to Andrew Lim of the New American Economy, Chicago took the lead because it has created an overall legal environment and supports DACA recipients and undocumented immigrants.

Abd Goc Hizmetleri: Lori Lightfoot

If you and your family are considering relocating to the United States for a more significant opportunity, contact the incredible team at ABD Göç Hizmetleri. They will walk you through the process of U.S. immigration.

Over 20 percent of Chicago’s population consists of immigrants. In 2016, immigrants earned close to $17 billion in household income and paid $6 billion in taxes. Chicago has considered itself a safe place for immigrant communities. Chicago was named a sanctuary city in 2016 by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, which was later challenged by President Trump’s administration. The city has started a legal protection fund and begun a task force to bring together policies affecting refugees and immigrants. Other Midwestern cities whose scores improved in supporting immigrants are Milwaukee, Cleveland, and Toledo.

Immigrants Paid in Taxes
$ 0

There are many opportunities available for you in the United States. Contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri to begin the immigration process.